
  • Людмила Анатоліївна Чабак Чернігівський центр перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації працівників органів державної влади, органів місцевого самоврядування, державних підприємств, установ і організацій, Ukraine


політична маніпуляція, мовні засоби, сприйняття, маніпулятивний вплив


This article addresses the essence of political manipulations and their assets (including means of language). It is noted that in times of political change use of information warfare is the subject of interdisciplinary research. Various aspects of manipulation also cause concern for political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, and philosophers and linguists. The relevance of the research is also associated with the development of a modern media that can allow a high velocity stream manipulated ideas and help those ideas influence society. The problem of hidden information and its psychological impact on people using those language tools is studied as well as the socio-philosophical positions. As political manipulation determines the impact on the public consciousness, its so-called "hot spots", set certain values and norms, morals define, and create an illusory reality and the expected shape political behavior. Among the methods of political manipulation using linguistic tools contain the following: filing a large number of unstructured information from unnecessary information that hinders destination to discover its contents; providing information in small portions; substitution of neutral concepts of emotional evaluation equivalents, particularly layout themes, leading to the formulation of definitive conclusions; a selection of appropriate vocabulary using metaphors, passive designs, the use of euphemisms, evaluation vocabulary words in a figurative sense, the use of rhetorical questions, ambiguity, and others. Emphasis is placed on the study of the results of manipulation, the process of receiving messages broadcast manipulator in cyberspace, as well as changes in human consciousness, beliefs, and values formed as a result of the manipulative influence. The Grounded relationships between the expectations of society and those resulting from the text reception and hidden intentions manipulator is also reviewed. It is noted that the result of manipulation is the use of cognitive bias, distortion of information in the mind and change the perception of political reality as such.

Author Biography

Людмила Анатоліївна Чабак, Чернігівський центр перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації працівників органів державної влади, органів місцевого самоврядування, державних підприємств, установ і організацій

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