
  • Зоріна Станіславівна Вихованець Вінницький кооперативний інститут, Ukraine


socio-economic knowledge, semantics, communication, language, human, subject field of the signs, epistemology


The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the semantic analysis of the socio-economic knowledge the basic foundation of which is a mutual exchange between the objective and the existential conditions for statements. Accordingly differentiated modality of specified correlation, its structural and significance levels, terms placement in the specific socio-economic their existence are provided. Semantics provides a systematization process, bringing together all regulatory authorities and recognizes the validity of structuring functions in the languages by which communications practical economic and production experience are established, and those in which the objects are distributed in the space of socio-economic knowledge. The object of the socio-economic knowledge is sprayed between the set positions and cannot get the value of the whole. The very subject of verbal communication is turned out to be between double stratification. On the one hand, based on experience or communication he becomes a party of the unstable and temporary language events. On the other hand, as a language subject he is timeless correlator of the definition - this approach ensures the feasibility of restructuring the relationship between existential and formal terms of statements, thereby moves to the basics of modern existential-anthropological tradition. The structure of the social symbolism and activity relationships, their subject field of signs and the subject’s place are the relationship between the r ationalistic character of epistemology and tolerant attitude of the signs doctrine relative to the opposite nature of such concepts as "objective" and "subjective". In fact, semantics at the deep level of symbolic and referential structures combines the variability principle with the limitation principle. The relationship between socio-economic knowledge and abilities of its utterances< are investigated, a complex relationship between the substantive content of the statements and existential bases is presented. The subject is endowed with abilities concrete historical interpreter statements loses the central position, denotes the true language, and the analysis shows a kind of double multiplication of semantic referents view: firstly, language means that directly determine the things themselves are used; secondly, there is an appeal to the artificially created on the basis of abstract regulators means of language. Moreover, both of these components of the analysis can neither match nor be separated from each other, so the problem of finding an internal harmonization of these components remains open to logical and analytical analysis.

Author Biography

Зоріна Станіславівна Вихованець, Вінницький кооперативний інститут

кандидат філософських наук


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