

соціальна робота, соціальний працівник, соціальна сфера, професійна діяльність, зарубіжний досвід


Social work as a social phenomen is a kind of social assistance model is implemented by society at particular historical period to the particularities of national and cultural, social and political development and social policy. However, it'spretty broad definition. The authorsnotes that the current for the success of the process of development of social work and social pedagogy in Ukraine is crucial to learning, understanding and adapting experience gained in foreign countries, especially in Western Europe, the US and the UK, where the level of services provided by social workers is rather high. Most of the staff employed today in the field of social work, unfortunately, have no special training, which in turn leads to problems psychological, educational, legal, communication, social and technological nature. That is why the training of social workers presents an acute problem and requires, on the one hand, the development of scientifically based requirements for vocational education, professional selection of applicants on the other - the study abroad experience in this industry and the introduction of advanced learning technologies. The researchers analyzes the major trends and training of social work in economically developed countries. Worldwide modern social education requires significant changes and needs improvement. Today's question is: teaching social work can only passively reflect social development, it should maintain an active search for solutions of social problems. Professionals for social services should be prepared so that they were able to modify and eliminate negative social manifestations in society. This is possible only in educational institutions that build on learning new positions and take into account the trends of social policy in the country. By concentrating on the opinion that the activities of social workers should be oriented on work with all groups of people, children and adults, their families and the elderly; it should be aimed at enhancing socio-cultural and socio-educational functions of society, the family, the community and the individual. The social worker called to create a system of social care and self-identity, create the conditions most favored the psychological comfort. In order to achieve the goal - to help people - must unite the efforts of social workers, all specialists in social and social and educational fields. Analyzing the authors observes that need very careful to use foreign experience, because the theory and practice of social and socio-educational activities in any country is conditioned by the cultural and historical traditions, socio-economic and political conditions. As for the general trends, it should be noted integrative and interdisciplinary nature of links with training in social work. The greatest influence on the preparation must include the following disciplines: philosophy, sociology, psychology, education, anthropology, ethics, medical training, law. A characteristic feature should be considered as a broad introduction of modern theoretical concepts based on idea of integrativity.

Author Biographies

Алла Дмитрівна Мекшун, Чернігівський національний технологічний університет

старший викладач кафедри соціальної роботи

Тетяна Сергіївна Острянко, Чернігівський національний технологічний університет

кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач кафедри соціальної роботи


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