
  • Ельвіра Миколаївна Герасимова Національний педагогічний університет ім. М. П. Драгоманова, м. Київ, Ukraine


людина, суспільство, економічна діяльність, соціокультурні принципи, національно-культурний простір


The analysis of the mechanism of interaction of the global nature of economic processes and material production with the national economic paradigm of knowledge, which is today the main component of the economic policy of any country, is an urgent problem of contemporary social philosophy. The basis of this paradigm creates its own national semantic field of economic development, which is based on traditions, worldview, historical experience, language, values and goals of each nation that allows creating examples of economic culture that will lead Ukraine's economy and real national methodology of life-creative to a new global level of functioning. Sociocultural approach refers subjective motivation of the objective process of economic knowledge. It acts as informative segment of society, while the methodological principles are related to the research process and the logical-semantic organization of its results. The research of the display of economic activity efficiency using only statistical and other quantitative and qualitative indicators restricts not only the social and cultural meaning, which includes a system of professional knowledge and skills, economic and commercial norms, values, symbols that are required for the economic roles, but also violates the basic principles of self-motivation and work of an individual. Consequently the understanding between actors in the economic culture and psychology disappears, thus the process of deformation structures of human life occurs. Therefore, today the formation of new requirements for scientific innovation social and economic sciences, their widespread implementation in the structure of economic and commercial relations, material and spiritual production is vital. Accordingly, the nature of historical dynamics of theoretical and methodological knowledge of the concepts of economic life is changing. There is a tendency of forming a peculiar intellectual style and ways of its manifestation, in the structure of which must be included ideological value components. Therefore, the purpose of this article is the study of national and cultural area of economic activity as search for harmonization and cooperation in society.

Author Biography

Ельвіра Миколаївна Герасимова, Національний педагогічний університет ім. М. П. Драгоманова, м. Київ

доктор філософських наук, професор


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