human, economy, linguistic cognitive structures, grammatical method, values, capital, cost, laborAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of socio-economic relations through the prism of study of the linguistic cognitive structures and grammar for the purpose of objectification of the indicated scope of reality, determines certain rules of use of linguistic practices that ensure the formation, transmission, acquisition of knowledge in the process of communicative interaction. The economic content of the value phenomenon allows to figure out the process of how goods enter the exchange system and how they compare with each other on the principles of equivalence and similarity that eventually allows to evaluate them. Accordingly, the value corresponds to the attributive function of a verb in grammar, when the sentence statement forms the starting point of the language. The continuous process of exchange is provided by the constant breakdown of the value of a particular object by all other estimating values, and it is here that the value begins to perform the function of the joint which the general grammar recognizes for all nonverbal components of a sentence that perform the function of naming. This game of values allows every part of the wealth to be both defined and defining component at the same time, as well as value becomes both the verb and the noun at the same time, i.e. the theory of trade and money relations demonstrates how any object can acquire a function of a definitive in the correlation with another object and become its constant sign. Claiming that language is a material bearer of social-communicative interaction between people, it is determined that the fundamental grammar typology and fundamental typology of socio-economic relations are identical to each other, and the mechanism of formation of the categorical apparatus of the modern language in the field of economic knowledge takes characteristics of a peculiar procedure of objectification of individual human consciousness and ensures formation of a mosaic cultural tradіtion in the process of transformation of the world economy.References
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